News And Press releases
Atlantic City, NJ – January 24, 2020 – Stoneworks Wholesaling will be attending and promoting new products at the 2020 Pool & Spa Show in Atlantic City. The show, created by the Northeast Spa and Pool Association (NESPA), highlights businesses within the pool and spa industry, focusing on the latest news, technology, and products.
Worcester, PA – Pennsylvania’s top option in travertine paving, Stoneworks Wholesaling, Inc., is proud to announce their participation in this year’s Pool | Spa | Patio International Expo. The PSP Expo is the world’s largest B2B industry trade show dedicated to outdoor lifestyle products, attracting hundreds of participants each year.
Worcester, PA – January 28, 2019 – Come visit Stoneworks Wholesaling January 29-31, 2019, in booth #1550 at the NESPA Pool and Spa Show in Atlantic City. The show, put on by the Northeast Spa and Pool Association, highlights businesses from across the nation that focuses on the latest news, technology and products
Worcester, PA – Stoneworks Wholesaling Inc. is proud to host a barbecue and full certification seminar on Dry-Treat stain proof sealers at Stoneworks Wholesaling’s stone and tile warehouse in Worcester, PA, on June 16, 2016. For more than twenty years, Dry-Treat has developed top-quality sealers for porous stone, brick, tiles, and paving.